Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lee Just Watched (Feb. 29th - March 14th)

1. MAGNIFICENT DESOLATION (05): IMAX about the moon landings.
2. WAITRESS (07): Waitresses in a small town, their lives and changes. ok, not great.
3. WHEN NIETZCHE WEPT(07): The fake European accents were so horrible I could not watch it.
4. GIANTS AND TOYS (58): 2nd film directed by Yasuko Masumura , satirical critique of corporate culture in postwar Japan, set amongst rival caramel candy corporations. Liked it very much, going to watch more by him.
5. VENGEANCE IS MINE (79): by director of 'EEL'. NMCOT
6. KOLYA (96): Wonderful film set in Czech around time of the 89 'Velvet Revolution'. Highly recommend.
7. CRAZY LOVE (07): NWIE, BTIE, totally immersing DOC about a couple obsessed with each other in 1950s New York. True story that got lots of headlines and coverage. EOS!
8. PEOPLE'S PALACE (06): DOC about the history of the New York Public Library, from its inception thru today. Informative and enjoyable.
9. LOOKING FOR RICHARD (96): Must see, it's on our discussions to come list!!!!!
10. COCAINE COWBOY (06): DOC, 1980's cocaine trafficking boom in Miami and how it changed the city forever. LEM.
11. SINK OR SWIM (90): shorts of Su Friedrich's childhood. Didn't engage me personally.
12. A TASTE OF TEA (04): lovely little film , quiet, about a unique family and their day to day lives in a Japanese town.

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